Planetary Road Work Ahead ~ 8 July 2021

There’s road work on the highway to Nirvana, according to transits at hand. While such improvements serve to annoy those with an immediate or rushed destination in mind, the result of the road work is smoother long-term and safer passage forward.

Of late we’ve been dealing with the subtle placement of Psyche in Cancer opposing the non disclosing Pluto in Capricorn as Mars squared Uranus in Taurus. Sure visions of subconscious outcomes swirl about during sleep time and daydreams, some infused with less than idea outcomes... the results of psychic infrastructure reaching out to be put on the list of items requiring attention and renovation. All perceptions that root in Psyche intend to transform everything in total with Pluto’s transformative assistance, and now initiated with Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus indicating that the asphalt truck arriving onsite is chock full of new material for road repair that’s even better and less toxic that what was applied before.

It seems important to realize that neither Psyche nor Pluto tip their hands. This may be one of those times, when what appears as a setback or a minor fail prompts the other planets to get onboard and commence rehabilitation of life’s current circumstances. Like road work on the path to fulfillment.

Overnight, Mercury aligned with Asbolus in Gemini. Their longitudinal positions virtually oppose the Galactic Center in Sagittarius. These transits strengthen and fortify in the next days. Thus, within the week, accurate perception of the real world as perceived by the five senses stimulates an alternative thought for virtually every road sign or redirect, all of which naturally possess an element of progress when applied in full.

Venus in Leo as she moves into a square with Uranus in Taurus intends to payoff the recent snafu that felt like it appeared out of thin air and blind sided the best laid plans. She does this by invoking the new options, new directions perceived. She will not hesitate to point out that she recently opposed Saturn in Aquarius, and during that interval she and he chatted about the hard core reality of what is and the magic touches required to replace circumstances with sparkle and unexpected, beneficial outcomes.

Venus and Mars align in Leo on 13 July. This alignment brings to mind a couple of axioms: “Never let them see you sweat” and “Fake it ‘til you make it” perhaps better stated as “Act as if...” There are real world opportunities out there. Opportunities are the kinds of things that respond favorably to optimistic, can-do efforts. Those who can portray all the soulful confidence contained within, and amplify it without dramatic exaggeration or hyperbole make the superior gains. Believe in even your smallest, most subtle attribute, mix them all together and go full spectrum with all you’ve got.

Around the time that Venus and Mars osculate on the ecliptic, Mercury opposes the stream of binary x-ray eclipsing pulsars in Capricorn that possess the unique ability to purge the past by noting that dwelling on the perception that the road previously or currently traveled feels like a bad choice serves no purpose. Instead, while your engine is turned off and you’re stuck in traffic, conjure affirmations based upon the truth that lies within you that free you from the past and psychic history while infusing every particle of your being with inspired confident. This is a time to conjure up some good public relations about where you’re headed. Check out the clouds in the sky... or the stars, if at night. The point is: Look Up!

It’s about Leo. Devour pride and without shaming it, indicate it has no standing next to the soulful willingness for life you currently choose to engage. Carefully consider all declarations about what you’re doing and where you’re headed. Remember that this whole thing started with Psyche in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn. Both keep private elements in reserve and for consideration by parts of the consciousness that do not travel well in the conscious realm. Know what needs to be stated the outer world and the people in it and what does not. Know your spirit’s intent and like a searchlight, beam it everywhere. Next thing you know, honking will abound. Start your dang engine and get it in gear. The road ahead is smooth and well-marked... that is for those using Asbolus and Mercury to see all the signs and accurately take in the implications of that indicated information.

More soon!